Hind-sight is 20/20. You would have done things differently if you could do them again. That doesn’t change the current situation though. You need to get things under control – quickly. We can’t promise miracles. What we can promise is solid project management individuals and methodologies to get your project under control and expose the real situation. After that we’ll help you build a resolution path. There are two levels of our involvement you can choose:
Steering Committee Role
We participate in scheduled calls with our client and/or the software implementer, as needed. We make sure that milestones are being met and no major obstacles are encountered that do not have action plans in place for remediation.
Active Project Management Role
We participate in the steering committee (see above). We also take an active role in project management. We monitor budget, scope, and timeline (the ‘triple constraint’ of project management). We make sure that project reporting is highly visible (cannot stress this enough). We raise alarms when budget, scope, or timeline go off track. Our general principle is to keep all aspects of the project visible to the steering committee and highlight deviations before situations become urgent.
If we had to pick two words that dictate our style: Visibility, Communication.
Next Steps
- Assess the current situation, and the general variances that have already occurred.
- Set up a communication and monitoring plan with all project team members. Elements will include regular communication, escalation procedures, risk management, and accountability.
- Confirm you have buy-in from an executive sponsor.