Duration: 1 day
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Price: $997
Discount: 10% discount per additional person. Max discount 30%.
Optional: Laptop computer
About this Course
Accurate inventory. Some companies struggle with this. Others seem to know the secret. Have you ever walked into a clean, well-run facility? Can you remember the general sense of order, and that things are where they should be? It provides a feeling that if someone needed something stored close by, they would immediately be able to find it.
An accurate inventory system gives you control. When other areas of your business speed up, having accurate inventory lets you focus on delivering your promises rather than searching for misplaced inventory or having to inform customers or your own people that you don’t have what they need… even though you thought you did.
In this course you can learn how to assess your current inventory situation, methodically clean it, and then learn techniques to keep it clean. You will also perform live exercises to diagnose and correct inventory inaccuracies in our ‘test’ environment.
Audience Profile
This course is intended for manufacturers, distributors and warehouse personnel that are responsible or accountable for inventory management.
At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Assess current inventory accuracy levels
- Initiate an Inventory Accuracy program
- Diagnose causes of inventory inaccuracies
- Learn how to prevent similar inaccuracies in the future (important!)
Registration Details
Duration: 1 day
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Price: $997
Discount: 10% discount per additional person. Max discount 30%.
Optional: Laptop computer